Lars Olof Känngård


Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there. If not invented, invent it!

This website is the official reference web site of Lars Olof Känngård. Here you can read and follow links to an amazing 45 + year entrepreneurship, positioned in the front of new markets as they where born.
Before you read any further, you should read the page about me being dyslexic, you may find grammatical errors, which shouldn't get you to disqualify the website or the content, it’s a hidden handicap, which is a gift to be able to see and do things others don’t see. There will be a feature where you can contribute your suggestions, look on the top,,,,
My life and achivenets
I have many times been askt to tell more about my background as a solution provider, which started as I was a kid. Therefore you will here find a story about my childhood and a few memories from the early 60th when I did live with my lovely Mom and Dad outside Stockholm City, today more like central Stockholm, in a sub-district namely Malardalen. You can click on the links to the right or just scroll down to the section 'Childhood ideas'.
Innovations, solutions, and ideas
You will find a lot of descriptions here on the website that created ideas, solutions, and innovations which become known as early at my age of just reaching 15 years old.
Tech-duo for 38 years
I should state that all the ideas and innovations from the early 80th till today, stand on unique teamwork between myself and Mats Engstrom. I always present Mats as the 'scientist' and I am the free-thinker who sees things that can be changed.
Neither of us has an academic background, but rest assured, Mats turns every angel on any matter and backs his conclusions upon gathered facts. Mats can read and consumes books and facts, in a way few established academics would even come close to do.
The name Känngård
The Name Kanngard was a creation by our Dad, who was born Anderson, and as a sportsman at his young age, too many friends had the same family name, nearly like a baby-boom Andersons. The family history goes back to a small village, south of Hudiksvall, namely Enager, where for many generations the families have used a sommer-camp for their creatures. That was a tradition back then, to bring your cows, goats, and cheeps up in the mountains and let them go free, over the summer.
This very special place has the name Kannavallen and one day my Dad and Mother came up with the idea to change the name from Anderson to Kanngard, or as we spell it in English Kanngard. Read more and see the place click here.