61 ViA benefits + more....

When the ViA concept and the ViA Model started to take shape as a larger model, back in early 2005, many people was asking the questions:

What is the benefits to adopt the ViA concept ?

So we started to make a list on the whiteboard; We quickly realized that we needed to make groups. Which group of users, customer and beneficiaries will come to benefit from adopting the ViA concept and where there any negative effects. So we came up with, no less than 10 different beneficiary-groups.

Within each group, the point of direct benefits started to grow even more and when we where ready, we hade added up no less than 61 Benefits
It was at this time we also came up with the slogan "Every One is a Winner!"

Time run quickly, we now have 10 years behind us, from the time when the ViA Model started to take shape. During all this time, we have been between 20-80 people involved to develop the model, its different service offererings and also spend long hours of developing new innovations, which resulted in a total of 48 patent applications. Most likely we have passed more than 1,000,000 (one million) manhours of development.

from which experiences and nearly 10 years of continues, market research, consumer behavior studies and a lot of gained hands-on knowledge, we actually can expand the list with a few more points:

New generation ViA systems...

ViA System resources Collage

The new generation software the ViA Team has developed are built upon a new futuristic architecture where open-source software create the foundation to a solution which also uses cloud resources as and when needed.

The first ViA system and the first ViA Online ™ system was up and running live in 2005. Mats Engstrom, the ViA Groups CTO and VP R&D integrated the ViA system to ...... in Canada and the first ViA GOLD card come to be used in an ATM in Dubai on..........

ViA eBM devices - EDC Terminals

New eBM devices - new POS terminals

ViA eBM ™ devices is ViA's new name fo traditional EDC terminals and so called POS terminals.

Why did we change the name from EDC or POS to eBM Device? which read and handle card-sales for eBM Devices, stands for Electronic Business Machines. The reasone that we have come to use a new name for the same thinh We have for the new generation devices come to select VeriFone as the brand we first will deploy. Our own proprietary sofwhare (application firmwhare, which has multi functions to serve The uniqness with our software solution and use the terminal for many things

  • Multi card acceptance
  • Multi Function
  • Magnic strip based cards
  • Smart-Chip based Cards
  • NFC and RFID Card acceptence
  • National ID Card
  • Biometric Reader
  • Service - Function Sample:
    • Multi card acceptance
    • Multi card acceptance
    • Multi card acceptance
    • Multi card acceptance
  • Multi card acceptance
  • Add on feature
    • Barecode Reader
    • Larger display
    • Key-Pad facing consumers
    • Integration to Cashier System device
  • Multi card acceptance
  • Multi card acceptance

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ViA Tav slice

Security innovation - Patent granted

For you who maight have been following the development of the ViA Model, you would know that the founder Lars Olof Kanngard and his co-inventor Mats Engstrom has designed, developed and brought to the market and the world several of well known innovations within it, security, telecom and systems solutions together for now more than 30 years.

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Key features of the ViA System

  1. Modern Open Technology platform, Linux front-portal
  2. Web services integration
  3. Industry standards, no middle ware solutions
  4. Maria db -also know as Maria SQL
  5. NET structure
  6. PHP online interface, enable futuristic ease of use and security
  7. Online security features like login with ViA KeyPad™
  8. SMS One-Time Pin feature
  9. Offline functionality with high security enables better reporting tools
  10. Local system in a global clustered solution
  11. Sovereignty protection and roamed individual profiles
  12. Transaction splitter and Ledger details
  13. Payment request abilities
  14. Micro Escrow abilities
  15. Bill payments on global scale, as services is being built out
  16. ViA Swift transfers to other account holders in other banks


Benefits for Cardholders

  1. Virtual ‘bank’ account.
  2. Low cost for account vs. normal bank account.
  3. Benefits of being card holder – carry less cash.
  4. Enable micro payments.
  5. Enable online Internet purchases without disclosing personal details.
  6. Enables Micro-Escrow transactions.
  7. STS transaction security guaranteed.
  8. Remittances at low or NO transaction cost.
  9. Based on Islamic values.
  10. Can create and monitor accounts within the family - no charges.
  11. ViA Card version with RF-ID and Photo ID gives proper identity.
  12. More to spend with Value Added Features such as PlusCount.
  13. Usable globally, and in your own local currency.

Benefits for Merchants

  1. Enables small traders to compete using existing infrastructure; or new hardware if preferred.
  2. Enables street salesman, taxi drivers etc to accept card payments and process eCommerce transactions.
  3. Enables card acceptance for home deliveries and home sales forces.
  4. Enable new services; ViA Cash-Point, withdrawal and Top-Up.
  5. Instant settlement for all involved parties.
  6. Low transaction fee.
  7. ViA Ledger and ViA Virtual Corporate Platform enable instant proper financial records for the small businesses.
  8. Direct loyalty program available as well as ViA PLUSCOUNT.
  9. Can accept other values than money, to tailor local society solutions.
  10. Open platform enable futuristic IT integration for practical or future gadgets, like notifications, consolidating branches.
  11. Global users become local users as the ViA NET™ is broadened; the merchants do not pay extra for a card issued in another country.

Benefits for SME

  1. Enables Small and Medium Size Enterprises to accept card payments
  2. Online solutions without expensive certificate solutions like 3D
  3. Instant settlement and reporting facilities
  4. Reduces grey market conduct - money collection becomes fully legitimate
  5. Cash and card payments empowered with reporting tools
  6. VAT or Government reporting can be handled online and instantly
  7. ViA Ledger service saves time and eases legislation problems
  8. Competitive to majors – uses same infrastructure or new hardware

Benefits for supporting bank – Issuer

  1. Eliminates security concerns and financial fraud
  2. Eliminates identity frauds.
  3. Reduces number of high cost accounts
  4. Eliminates Charge Back
  5. Reduces administration cost
  6. Can offer new services to new segments in local market
  7. Does not need to invest in technology / transaction revenue splits

Benefits for Pool Account Bank Partners

  1. Expanding capital base
  2. Increasing earnings from cash “float”
  3. New source of future customers

Benefits for Company adopting ViA

  1. Reduce cost of wage payments – direct debit to account.
  2. Reduced cost for sending wages to employers abroad.
  3. Use cards as:
    1. ID – to eliminate fake employees
    2. Personnel record
    3. Time card
    4. One action cancellation of employee rights on termination
    5. Pension and leave records
    6. Health data and other personal records
  4. Enable futuristic IT integration to existing or future corporate solutions
  5. Empower the corporation with better financial solutions, leading to less social problems.

Benefits for Governments

  1. Direct debit of payments/allowances – reduce cost ; improve timing
  2. Eliminate citizen attendance at Government offices
  3. Acts as ID card and citizen record – correct name, address, dependants. Reduces confusion of dual spelling of names
  4. Enable secure implementation of online eGovernment applications and services, where identity frauds are eliminated
  5. Can link to other data bases – car license, medical history, crime record
  6. Security - eliminate fraud at all levels
  7. Enable uncontrolled business to become legitimate and enables direct reporting for monetary movements
  8. VAT reporting facilities for the street salesman, daily, weekly monthly…

Benefits for Country Partners

  1. Rewarding and profitable business
  2. Inspiring vision and unique Business Model Innovation
  3. Public benefit to solve and contribute to a better and safe society
  4. Being part of a global network and community

Benefits of the ViA Pool Account

  1. Pool Account (customer’s funds), 'custodian account' always protected property of its depositor. At the time the ViA model reaches out, globally, the administration of all the Pool Account might be conducted by a open foundation and a unique Auditing function part of the ViA Solution, this yo optimise the costumer protection.
  2. Global netting and exchange solution where revenues are redistributed within the ViA system and its customers