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Trycker du här på mig kommer du direkt till Dubai bilderna !

Adrian in Dubai


This website is dedicated Bullerbo, where I, Lars Olof Känngård and my wife Marinelle will describe and tell the long history of Bullerbo and tell you the progress of how a dying village suddenly will got new life and a new future.

The Swedish website of Bullerbo has more information, we will as soon as possible translate and make the English as good as the Swedish one.

We are at this time gathering more facts about the history and would appreciate any contributions, please feel free to submit your comments or contributions to:  info@bullerbo.com.




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Lake view from 2001

Sara, Max & Erik på besök i Bullerbo

En liten Videofilm med Sara

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Pictures from the Schoolhouse before the renovation.

2003-11-23 16:18:08