Message from our CVO

Message from Lars Olof Kanngard CVO

What is a CVO

CVO stands for "Chief Visionary Officer" being the innovator, the entrepreneur who created the concept of ViA, the Business Model Innovation and the Financial Model Innovation, which truly is a revolutionary new payment solution, is for fact a gift which the founder Lars Olof Kanngard is born with make the title appropriate and correct.

Having the ability to see solutions on problems or actually see what would be needed in the future and see how to integrate new-thinking, new solutions to what exist and by such solutions create new revenue-streams for existing market players results in an disruptive solution. Disruptive is not used here as a word for destruction, it is used in the content of making things in a better way, a way it was not made or even thought to be made in in the past.

There will be a website dedicated to the ViA Business Model Innovation ( and at this time you can find more about the business model innovation if you visit

1925 inspiration

POSTGORO was introduced as a new payment solution in Sweden already 1925 to simplify how to pay bills and send money to others, by the Swedish Post Authority. The Postgiro has become one of the inspirations to create the service ViA have come to name ViA GIRO