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White Paper defining e-Value in French
Comme nous le savons, l’invasion des services mobiles et en ligne pour gérer l’argent et les valeurs est maintenant une réalité. Les e-Valeurs se présentent sous de nombreuses formes différentes.
Comment cela affectera-t-il la gouvernance future par les gouvernements ?
“Que peuvent régir les gouvernement s’il y a moins, ou pas du tout, de pièces et de billets de banque en circulation ?”
Auteur : Lars Olof Kanngard Co-Auteur : Professeur Bernard Lietaer, 23 mars 2016
تعريف القيمة الإلكترونية علامة مسجلة المؤلف : لارس أولوف كانجارد شارك في التأليف : الأستاذ/ بيرنارد ليتاير، 23 مارس 2016
DN Debate Dagens Nyheter . "The digital paradigm shift requires new economic policy" DN Debate - PUBLISHED 2016-05-08
Loss of contact with reality.
“The digital revolution is not properly reflected in the statistics and is risky.
Distribution policy is likely to prioritize faulty premises, taxation will be a
challenge and economic activity appears to be weaker than it is.
“Economic policy must therefore be updated,” writes Stefan FÖlster and Anna Felländer.
DN Debatt - DN Debate Dagens Nyheter.
DN Debate - PUBLISHED 2016-05-08
LFördelningspolitiken riskerar att prioritera fel saker. Mer jämlik tillgång till virtuell verklighet kanske blir viktigare än fördelning av inkomster i den fysiska verkligheten, skriver artikelförfattarna. Foto: Gorm Kallestad/TT
Regeringar som styr enligt den gamla kartan kommer alltmer att köra fast i terrängen.
Foto: Gorm Kallestad/TT.
The Guardian - Saturday 4 June 2016 16.00 BST By: Jon Henley
“I don’t use cash any more, for anything,” said Louise Henriksson, 26, a
teaching assistant. “You just don’t need it. Shops don’t want it; lots of
banks don’t even have it. Even for a candy bar or a paper, you use a card or
Swedish buses have not taken cash for years, it is impossible to buy a
ticket on the Stockholm metro with cash, retailers are legally entitled to
refuse coins and notes, and street vendors – and even churches – increasingly
prefer card or phone payments.
Read the full article, go to The Guardian on the link here or you
can view the PDF file prepared or download the same.
The Picture on the document 'Your Future Money' is NOT a picture of my own collection or an artwork I have bought the right to use or made by me. This picture was found as the heading for an article in Swedish Newspaper Dagens Nyheter on xxx May, 2016 with the name as the photographer:mmmmmm. I have tried all I can to contact this person but have not been able, so if you xxx happen to see this message, please send me an email.